Why We Train in the Virtual Dojo
Photo by Kristi Crymes
A Zen dojo is a place for resolving dualism (mind/body, self/universe, and life/death). The reason that the Virtual Dojo can function as a Zen dojo is because the human body is the real Zen dojo. The minimal necessary unit is the student themself, not the physical dojo they go to.
Efficiency can be gained through Zen training as part of the Virtual Dojo community. When we’ve lost our way, our teachers point true north to support us in navigating all four directions. When we’ve lost coherence, the kiai and breath of our training partners helps us restore resonance and feel whole again. Facing suffering together gives us the courage and strength to carry on when we might have given up.
We are not a bunch of individuals training in front of screens. When we sit online, we create a dojo and a community, and they create us – fresh, moment by moment. We sit to end the ignorance, fear, and isolation we face in our everyday lives. The strength of our training is measured by the impact we have on the people and environment around us (and, we must start by noticing what that is).
This is why we train.