

Hara Development

Kenneth Setsuzan Kushner

Hara is critical to the Chozen-ji lineage of Rinzai Zen training. The development of hara is emphasized in all of our practices, zazen (“Zen meditation”), martial arts and fine arts. From our perspective, there is no Zen without hara.


Yakushi Nyorai


Facing Suffering

Gordon Hakuun Greene

For the past twenty-five years I have been compelled to use everything I know from my Zen training to understand how we can best face the suffering of others.




Zen Leadership

Ginny Jiko Whitelaw

Leadership without Zen can be too transactional, extractive, and self-serving. Zen without leadership can fail to reach or heal a world where it's needed. Putting both together enables leading with power, love and the wisdom of connectedness, and infuses my writing and work.


Fudo Myo-o


Mushin Zen

Heather Meikyo Scobie

Mushin can be translated as “no-mind” or “no-self.” An experience of this is that thoughts and feelings arise, but no one gets stuck. In Mushin Zen Blog, I aim to share learnings and explorations on how we can practically access mushin, right now, wherever we are.