Wandering Ox: A First Sesshin For Chosei Zen's Newest Dojo
Together we experienced a sesshin with a 'pioneer' feel, where nature whipped, dripped and crept around and through us. It was elemental.

Kiai: Expressions In Training
As I turn on the light switch, energy in the form of electricity flows to the bulb, which manifests as a bright light. The same is true for us.

Antidote for the Weary
We find kiai is more like a fresh mountain spring than a protected water reservoir. Time expands and contracts depending on our state of mind.

Kiai: Expressions in Training
The lessons are all there and available, I just have to be sensitive and present for when they come up.

Training In-Person After Two Years Online
My goal shifted from training because I wanted something in particular out of the week to wanting to train strong so that I could help those around me train strong and have the sesshin they needed to have.

Flipping A Coin With No Heads Or Tails
And then my world flipped, just like a coin that has consistently landed heads up suddenly landing on tails.

Why We Train in the Virtual Dojo
The reason that the Virtual Dojo can function as a Zen dojo is because the human body is the real Zen dojo.

Zazen Strapped To A Locomotive
There came a moment during the sitting when I was no longer in my tatami room with a panoramic view of our prairie and oak savanna. Instead, I felt myself strapped to the front of a locomotive speeding down the track toward a black tunnel.

Reflections on Spring Sesshin
It’s hard to describe in words what it feels like when a group of people ceases to be made up of individuals, and starts breathing, living, and acting as one big loving heart and hara.

90-Day Training: A New Spring
Sit 30 minutes and do something vigorous that you enjoy to move your body everyday. See how it changes your life.

Don’t Move! And other things you’ll hear in the zendo
The jiki who instructs, “Don’t move” is like a guest in your home who smelled smoke and asked, “Is something burning?”

Virtual Dojo: 2021 Message
The kind of comfort that satisfies doesn't come from a dojo, or from all the many things that you miss right now ... but from within oneself. We're here for that.

Fall Sesshin 2021 - Spring Green Dojo
“How do we use training in Spring Green to prepare people for the severe limitations in resources that the climate crisis is bringing closer to our doors?”

News From Rhode Island
We have now planted the seeds of our small dojo here in Rhode Island.

Update from Daikozen-ji
We are in a much stronger position than we were a year ago, and we’re roaring to go.

Shakuhachi Zen
I quickly learned that a shakuhachi tells you what it is; that is, what key it will play in.

Realizing We Were Made for Each Other
I realized that it was a way I had been searching for without even knowing it.

Hexagrams, Take Two
During spring keishin in April, we experimented for the second time with using hexagrams as a tool for intensive Zen training. We’re sharing some of the results to give you a flavor of our collective experience.