Kiai: Expressions In Training
Voices Andy Seizan Robins Roshi Voices Andy Seizan Robins Roshi

Kiai: Expressions In Training

As I turn on the light switch, energy in the form of electricity flows to the bulb, which manifests as a bright light. The same is true for us.

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Reflections on Spring Sesshin
Voices Sarah & David Rose Voices Sarah & David Rose

Reflections on Spring Sesshin

It’s hard to describe in words what it feels like when a group of people ceases to be made up of individuals, and starts breathing, living, and acting as one big loving heart and hara.

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Update from Daikozen-ji
Ken Kushner Roshi Ken Kushner Roshi

Update from Daikozen-ji

We are in a much stronger position than we were a year ago, and we’re roaring to go.

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Hexagrams, Take Two
Virtual Dojo Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi Virtual Dojo Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi

Hexagrams, Take Two

During spring keishin in April, we experimented for the second time with using hexagrams as a tool for intensive Zen training. We’re sharing some of the results to give you a flavor of our collective experience.

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