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Summer Work Keishin


I know your breath,

no stethoscope.

— Kristi Crymes

At spring keishin, Kushner Roshi posed the question of how our day-to-day work could be undertaken in the spirit of Zen training. During May 31 to June 6, we're dedicating the 7-day summer intensive training as a “work keishin” to help you explore the answer. Just as the Virtual Dojo has changed how we think about training at home, so this summer work keishin has a chance to transform how we bring our training to work.

The schedules can be found below:

We'll have a 7-day schedule of formal training each weekday in the morning and night in both US (Central & Pacific) and EU time zones, giving you a chance during the day for one of these work projects:

  • engage your day job in the spirit of training

  • join a work crew at Mifflin Dojo, if you're in the Madison/Chicago area

  • undertake a project in service of the CZ community.

We'll have a full day of training on Saturday (or a continuation of the work crew at Mifflin if you've chosen that option). Each evening we'll have a talk from a different Roshi around how the training functions through them in life and work. We'll also have breakout group sessions to reflect on the day and make connections to the training and its effects (e.g., what you're noticing differently in how you handle your energy or interact with others). And yes, you'll want to come to those sessions with a hexagram to share.

In terms of preparation, student should have been sitting online or on their own for a few months, be able to sit for 45 minutes at a time without moving, and understand the basic principles of hara breathing. Mandatory equipment includes a hara belt or traditional obi to use during zazen and work.

When you register, indicate which work option you plan to train with; Kiel Roshi will be in touch with specifics if you wish to join the Mifflin work crew. You'll also be sent a zoom link for joining the online portions. Let's see what we can break open and breakthrough in our work together.

Events through Chosei Zen are donation-based and open to all regardless of ability to pay. All donations are very much appreciated and help keep our dojos running! You can donate here.

$75 - $400 for keishin

All donations are appreciated, so please donate only what you can afford.

May 29

Hara Development Drop-in

May 31
