Three times per year, we hold intensive periods of online intensive Zen training called keishin (繋心 pronounced “kay-shin”) or “to connect the mind” in Japanese. This online intensive training will follow a new schedule, similar to sesshin, and one that can be adapted to any time zone around the world. Below is the schedule in US Central Time. Full time participation consists of the Friday opening, the Monday closing, and training in segment "B" plus two other segments on Sat and Sun as best works for your time zone. Of course, you are welcome to train in all 4 segments on Sat and Sun.
FRI, Dec 5: 9 am - 12 noon CT
SAT-SUN, Dec 6 - 7: A: 6 am - 8:30 am CT / B: 9 am -12 noon CT / C: 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm CT / D: 6 - 9 pm CT
MON, Dec 8: 9 - 11:15 am CT
The training will be continuous within a segment, with periods of zazen interspersed with a range of other physical trainings from the “one-corner” curriculum. We will also be introducing and practicing shodo - Zen Calligraphy - in this keishin. People who register will be emailed a detailed schedule and list of materials, including Shodo materials, to gather or acquire ahead of time. For more information, please email Scobie Roshi. Register here:
To prepare, students should have received basic instruction on how to sit zazen and have been sitting online or on their own for at least a month. Students should be able to sit for 45 minutes at a time without moving, understand the basic principles of hara breathing, and have a hara belt for personal use (see FAQs). If interested in participating, please discuss with your teacher. If you don’t have a teacher yet, email Scobie Roshi. Once approved, please register using the link above.
Events through Chosei Zen are donation-based and open to all regardless of ability to pay. All donations are very much appreciated and help keep our dojos running! You can donate online here.