Remembering Why We're Here
We train because we remember our interconnectedness and take responsibility for tuning this body and whatever we’re sending out into the world.

Nothing Like a Good Bonfire
“When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.”

Being Your Own Jiki
The Virtual Dojo that arises from moment to moment is dependent on students being their own fierce jikis and supporting others to do the same.

We are All Zen Women
Like Zen women of thousands of years ago, we sat zazen after waking up in our own beds, before and after making our families’ meals and attending to our children and pets. Our training became our daily life and our daily life became a way of practice.

The Virtual Dojo
Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi tells her story about the Chosei Zen Virtual Dojo.

Blast Off!
This online sesshin brought depth to my felt experience of the universe being freshly created moment by moment. With a meditation cushion, internet-enabled laptop, and the roof over my head, I created a dojo and a sangha, and they created me.

A Dojo of One
In Zen, you train alone. And that has been true long before we had the self-isolation needed during a pandemic.