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Hara Development Drop-in

Kushner Roshi will continue his discussion of the hara and its role in Zen, based on issues raised by participants. There will also be ample time to practice and refine hara development exercises. Please visit our Hara Development page to watch past webinars and explore other hara resources. 

The Hara Development drop-in occurs on the last Saturday of each month at 7:30-8:45am CST (2:30-3:45 CET). The drop-in will occur immediately after morning Daily Zazen (7-7:30 am CST), using the same link. You can register here and also use to join Daily Zazen at 7am and 7pm CST.

Events through Chosei Zen are donation-based and open to all regardless of ability to pay. All donations are very much appreciated and help keep our dojos running! You can donate here.

April 24

Spring Sesshin

May 4

Intro to Zazen (Online)